Terry, the founder of VOOM, fell in love with specialty coffee a few years ago. After trying a few varieties at his local coffee shop, Terry went out and bought all of the equipment so that he could brew specialty pour over coffee for himself. It didn’t go well. Brewing great coffee takes practice and time.

Terry wanted to make specialty coffee more accessible to everyone and more consistent for pros and enthusiasts. The VOOM scale was born 18 months and several prototypes later.

VOOM produces real-time coffee brewing recipes so that anyone can follow along and brew their beans perfectly. Users can download and replicate brewing recipes from famous baristas or their friends.

More info:

Quick Brew, Pour Over and Espresso Modes are selectable on VOOM’s LCD screen.

Follow recipes from professional baristas and coffee roasters.

Slim enough for espresso and sturdy enough for pour over brewing

Make that perfect coffee, consistently.


You can save your own best brews and replicate them again and again.

Intuitive espresso programming makes pulling the perfect shot simple.


Pour Over with VOOM

Espresso with VOOM


VOOM on Kickstarter