Since we are all quarantineed and alone in our homes I prepared this selection of the best photos of my pugs freakishly long tongue. His name is Gimli and because of his long tongue he raises attention everywhere we go. People never asked me (a human) for a picture but of course, everybody needs a picture of Gimli the pug and his tongue! He is also making a name for himself on social media with 5k followers in instagram and 29k followers on tiktok @pugboigimli, where you cal learn about his other quriks like his love for colourful bandanas. So sit back and enjoy this sweet sweet face with the longest tongue you have ever seen on a pug.

More info: Instagram

I see you are enjoying some ice cream. I am known as an ice cream connoisseur myslef.

Stop stealing my spotlight, hooman!

Excuse me, do you have any chicken wings I could borrow?

I have not eaten for two weeks, promise, not a bite, and that corn dog you are holding is the difference between life and death for me


See the patter of my bandana? I am trying to tell you something *hint hint*

I love you but I love your sandwich more.