Today is the birthday of my dear dear friend – my Babool(“grandma” in sort of Russian) and I really want to share with the world how incredibly lovely and cool she is :)

My Babool has got a big great heart and a beautiful soul. Despite her life hasn’t been easy, she has lived it with much integrity and kept her good heart. She is an incredibly cute little mushroom and I miss her very very much.

If you are reading this, do me a little favor, please send a smile into the universe – my Babool will be very happy to receive at the other end of the world :)

More info: Instagram

My Babool is a little super woman! On top of her iconic red hair, there are many things that make her awesome

My Babool is definitely not a “classic” grandma – she’s got her style and designs her own clothes!

She is forever young and energetic!

Babool makes the best coffee!


…and the best food! (It tastes especially good when it’s past midnight and we are suddenly hungry


Everyday is a weekend with Babool! And that’s why everyday spent together is my favorite day

My Babool is just too cool for a grandma, I can talk with her like about aaaaanything

My Babool is simply a lot, looooot of fun, she cracks the best jokes, and I have my best ever laughs when I am around her


It’s been 30 fun years of our friendship, and it’s only getting better and better.

Sometimes I still can’t believe I am so lucky to have such an awesome best friend