I am a multi-disciplinary artist with most of my work extending from visual art in the form of pop productions such as graffiti murals to footwear design and fashion illustration.

As a huge fan of smiley faces and emojis, quite often I find myself thinking and constructing phrases with emojis in messages to friends and family – and I think this is something other people can relate to.

The Day’moji Project (instagram: @the_daymoji_project) is my witty way of transforming the standard everyday emojis into a variety of characters that communicate what I see as the general sentiment allocated to each day of the week or a celebration on a certain day. For example; capturing that “Thank God Its Friday” feeling after a long week or the way college kids feel the morning after a night out. Or the various sentiments shared on Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Christmas etc. I try to create the characters based on conversations and perspectives I’ve observed.

These little characters for me aren’t just illustrations. Sometimes they serve as an outlet for me to poke fun around the rigid structures of everyday life. A reminder that we all don’t need to take things so seriously. I tell stories with them and in a sense, this has became my way of using emojis as a modern-day version of ancient hieroglyphics.

More info: Instagram

Happy New Year!



Erik Killmonger



Erik Killmonger

Single & Searching

Easter ‘Moji

Yass! TGIF!


Hung Over AF

Its my birthday!

Jack Skellington


Jack’o’ Moji






Grinch mode activated!