“Spirits of a White Night”

In this series of images, I wanted to pay homage to the Greenlandic town’s namesake of “Ilulissat” (which is the Kalaallisut word for “icebergs”), but also consider many cultural aspects in the way I edited my photos for this pareidolic series. Given how climate change has affected Greenland, I decided to use a more hi-key approach to symbolize a fading of moments and constant change while also capturing the varied weather conditions from foggy water treks, cloud bursts over the icefjords and a sun that does not set and provides some beautiful colours for residents and travelers alike.

As the indigenous peoples of Greenland have a belief that everything has a soul, from the flora to the fauna, it was hard for me to not consider how the icebergs looked like “animal spirits” (thus the titles) and how the calving sounds of the icebergs themselves acted like the voices of spirits telling us, perhaps begging us, to listen to the delicate balances of the world.

Blue Whale Spirit

Breaching Shark Spirit

Wild Horse Spirit


Playful Dolphin Spirit


Sea Eagle Spirit

Sleeping Wolf Spirit

Snowy Owl Spirit

Cathedral of Spirits