In “Passages”, Brazillian photographer Vanessa Stollar presents a selection of images taken at different times and places. The choice is based on the work of the same name by the philosopher Walter Benjamin, and his concept of allegory in which the rehabilitation of allegory is the rescue of temporality and historicity in opposition to the ideal of eternity that the symbol embodies.

According to the philosopher Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, “allegory draws your life from the abyss between expression and meaning”. While the symbol points to the eternity of beauty, the allegory highlights the impossibility of an eternal meaning, and the need to preserve in temporality and historicity in order to construct transitory meanings.

“Walter Benjamin, is in line with what I want to propose, that is, a dialogue between being and cultural awareness, and a way of apprehending the world beyond scientific knowledge”, explains Stollar.

Vanessa Stollar has a degree in Advertising from Faculdade Cásper Líbero, São Paulo, where she worked in the b&w photography laboratory and studio. She worked as a freelance photojournalist and event photographer. She is an art teacher and street photographer.

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