Mars Rover catches a metal sphere either following it or spying on it.

I’ve not found anything to say this is a fake as it’s a NASAQ image.

There are many rumours that NASA fakes images but this is one that the public could not of faked.

That is a ball (or sphere) and it’s hovering on Mars near the Rover.

It is exactly what it is, weird!

So what has happened with this interesting information? Not a thing, I can assure you – because this is NASA property. right.

They (NASA) colonized Mars first, they’re the Grandad of space travel, of colonizing space and the human race wouldn’t be as far ahead or where it is now if it wasn’t for this agency.

So, guys it is what it is. I’ve said it before but it really is what it is. There’s nothing remotely coming close to what NASA has given us in terms of Alien evidence in space, on planets and in deep space.

More info:

Levitating Sphere Caught On Mars

Image credits:

Paranormal Crucible brought this to our attention and the video is absolutely amazing. I urge you to check out this video and check out the description on YouTube as there’s links in the description to NASA. The levitating sphere on Mars is a ball or a real Unidentified Flying Object but it’s not what we’re used to (how crazy does that sound) but it’s true were not used to them been in this shape.


Real Sphere on Mars hovering spying on the Mars Rover.

This is a real hovering sphere on Mars and the Mars Rover caught it and NASA won’t say anything about it. It’s in NASA Raw Image archives you should check it out.

Mars Rover catches a Sphere hovering near the Mars Rover and NASA says nothing.

This is a real life UFO. It’s Unidentified and it’s Flying and sure enough it’s an Object so it is therefore a genuine UFO. Unidentified Flying Objects are as common as muck as they say in Yorkshire in the UK. This one just so happens to be on Mars.