Largest Cat Painting in the World, size 6ft x 20 ft by Asian American artist Anita Yan Wong

Largest cat painting in the World, titled “Spring dance”, size is a little over 6 feet x 20 feet, which is double the size of the largest cat painting from early 19th century 🎉 it will be shown to the public for the first time this Spring #largestcatpaintingintheworld #thelargestcatpaintingintheworld #catart #catsinart #catartist #catartshow2024 #catpainting #cats #catlover

About the artist that created the Largest Cat Painting in the World:

Prof. Anita Yan Wong is an Asian American painter best known for her expressive brush strokes and unique style of “Contemporary Traditional” paintings that defies Tradition and Modernity. Her works are featured Internationally on over 60 Traditional and Hip Cultural Blogs and Art Magazines, including N.Y.Arts Magazine, ESPN, Disney Inc., Daily Arts, Flower Magazine and American Lifestyle Magazine. Yale University China Hands Magazine described her paintings as – “Traditional art form that questions the modern minds.”

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