It started with combining two of my interests: snake husbandry and yoga practice. While I started doing it just for myself (and not totally on purpose) we expanded it to a full class to allow other people to try the experience. My partners and I have a large collection of boas and pythons, and with each class there is a snake handler to spot the reptiles the same way a yoga teacher would spot you and help with adjustments. The slow, deliberate flow of the class allows the snakes to shift their weight, and to move with you. While the Internet has shown me that this is not for everyone, the folks who have come to our classes have enjoyed them and getting to try and different kind of partner yoga. It is a joy to share my love of these animals and to allow other humans an interaction with them. Namasnake.

Photos taken courtesy of Xinhua/Liang Sen

Zen and carpet pythons.

Ball pythons and boas.

Deep breaths.

A twist on partner yoga practice.



Snakes and serenity.

Boa-inspired calm.

From the Vancourier. Photo Dan Toulgoet.