The citizens of Barcelona travelled back to childhood through their revived memories after participating in the installation “Here”, a set of swings which interact with the users in the form of light and sound, depending on the intensity of their swinging.

The members of the Col·lec team ( created “Here” based on the fun commonly associated with a certain age range. But the collective believe it’s attitude that matters. This way, “Here” was developed to recall the memories and experiences of our childhood that we all carry inside and relive them. The formula is simple and everyone can join in and understand it without an explanation; swing.

“Here” combines sound and light as a result of the user’s movements. The dimensions of the installation are around 17m in diameter, the framework being a scaffolding set which provides a structure strong enough to support the forces produced by the four swings. It also equips the piece with a great modularity in order to increase or reduce the number of swings, giving the square larger or smaller dimensions adapted to the exhibition space. The base of the swings and the light cubes that define the enclosure are variable depending on the oscillation speed of the users. Each swing has a unique sound which responds to it’s rhythm.

This Col·lec installation, presented at MAC Festival (, was developed in collaboration with the programmers Helena Bantulà and Guillem Galimany, and with sound created by Yves del Río.

About Col·lec:

Col·lec was born in 2013 with the aim to encourage creative initiatives outside of the academic field and to create professional bonds between students. The collective wants to be a bridge between companies and universities and, at the same time, create a network of knowledge and experience exchange.


We are a team formed by young creatives between 22 and 25 years old.

Currently we define ourselves as a multidisciplinary studio based in Barcelona. We create interactive experiences through events, workshops and installations combining art, technology and science. Our aim is to create emotions and bonds between people.

More info:

A person crosses the square of interactive swings

Illuminated enclosure

Participants swinging

The installation’s colour changes throughout the night


What do you feel when you swing?

People sharing the experience on social networks


A young person creates music through his swinging

Participation, light and sound


The base of the swing is retro-illuminated

Small girls playing in Here

The lighting intensity of the installation varies depending on the oscillation of the swings

A member of the Col·lec team working on the installation’s structure

Guillem Galimany (one of our collaborator programmers) getting the technological part of the swings ready


Interior technology of a swing

Installation set-up