Snowless Snow Globes Imagine The Future Of Christmas At The Hands Of Climate Change
UK charity, Plan B, created the ‘No-Snow Globe’ – snowless snow globes giving people a glimpse of future Christmases if the Government doesn’t act on climate change.
There are 3 picturesque yet depressing scenes that depict a snowless Christmas: The ‘No-Snowman’, ‘The No-Snow Angel’ and ‘No-Snowball Fight’.
The 3D-printed, hand-painted globes were sent to UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, demanding her to act on climate change before it’s too late. As well as infamous climate change deniers.
The globes sold out quickly at a Christmas market in Central London and just like the box promised, people were left disappointed with every shake.
More info: nosnowglobe.com
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