Imagine you finished work and you are getting ready to go home and instead of being happy that another workday is over and you are going home you are starting to be terrified. You go in your car, you start driving and the closer you get to your home you want to scream, you can feel something inside you yelling, you want to cry and you know this was not the way for you. Unfortunately, you are so broken and you have no energy left to fight and you keep driving home, to your prison.

What is worse is that you don’t even know how you got to that point. There are days you want it to end, you tell yourself that that is the day it should either end or you will get out, but nothing happens. You feel frozen, you can’t really take any action, you are like a zombie going through life.

Days pass and nothing changes for you, you are trapped and alone, you can’t talk with anybody, you are too afraid or embarrassed to talk about it.

Unfortunately due to COVID-19 and the confinement imposed by the governments, there is a spike in domestic violence cases.

I want to thank Casey for participating in this photographic project.

I hope the images will raise awareness on this subject. Sometimes just listening or talking to people might help.

Model: Casey Marie Ecker –

My Instagram –