No, this doesn’t mean that my son will never play the guitar again. I’m sure he will. These photos were taken as a homage to his first love, music. You see, my son Randall is on the Autism Spectrum. Back when he was diagnosed, there was 1 in 10,000 kids diagnosed with Autism. Latest count is 1 in 55. Pretty scary, huh? I wouldn’t consider his diagnosis an affliction. It’s just simply describes who he is and how he thinks. Did you know my son’s guitar playing is 100% self taught? That’s the pretty cool thing about having Autism. Despite the adversities it comes with, there’s a talent in there too. My son’s first love is music. He is amazing and so talented. It took him a bit to realize in order to be independent and self sufficient, he needed a career that will allow enough to earn to be on his own. I’m not always going to be here and I want to make sure he can take care of himself and no one takes advantage of him. Just last week he graduated from a technical school at the age of 31 and he is on his way to becoming an Apprentice Electrician. For him, he always thought he would be able to make it as a Guitarist. Why not, he is incredibly talented. Talent isn’t always enough. Applying for school, going to class and successfully completing the program takes a lot of determination, drive and maturity. Those acts alone prove to me he will be successful. When I asked him if he wanted me to take pictures of him in his cap and gown, he said, “No. I want you to take photos of me with my guitar. Music got through tough times and I will never stop playing. It’s just time to grow up. There’s nothing wrong with being an Electrician, just like there’s nothing wrong with being different. Even though I didn’t make it as a musician, I’m still a winner and I’m proud.”

That you are my dear sweet son. That you are.

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