A former tenant abandoned Thumbkin at my apt complex. It rained so much that she climbed inside a hole in a building next to mine. The ground around it flooded and she became trapped inside.

I taped a bowl of cat food to a strip of cardboard wrapped in duct tape and inserted it into the opening. Thumbkin ate all of it. After the rain stopped I fed her beside a large tree next to the hole in the wall. I have fed Thumbkin twice a day for the last 14 months but she will not let me pick her up.

When she sees me, Thumbkin will run over and walk beside me with her tail in the air, meowing the entire way.

I have a Cat Yoga calendar I created to help Thumbkin and I want to make an animated cartoon series about Mister Cat Yoga, who is the reclusive head of the Cat Yoga Institute For Extraterrestrial Felines and the Cat Yoga Squad.

DISCLAIMER – Due to my strong personal conviction,

I wish to stress that Cat Yoga in no way endorses a

belief in the occult – Michael Gabriel

More info:

Mister Cat Yoga and the Cat Yoga Institute for Extraterrestrial Felines

Help Save Thumbkin, the Hole-In-The-Wall Cat