Most of my friends, just like me, started to read heavily in high school. That is the time in our lives when we define our personalities. And if we are lucky enough to have good teachers, the chances are high that we will understand the value of great books.
I started to read a lot when I was 15. In books I found role models that I couldn’t find in real life. When reading good books, we have conversations with the most intelligent people who ever lived. For me, reading was so captivating that I used to read even during class, especially during those classes that I didn’t like.
In the last 2 years since I started the Bookface (Cărțile pe față) campaign, I got to visit a lot of high school classes and talk to students about our campaign and about how reading enhances our creativity.
With one class in particular we had a special connection so we started a project together. They became the first Reading Class. Basically, every student from the Reading Class recommended a book he or she loves. We, the Bookface campaign with the help of a sponsor, bought these books and put them in in the school yard, inside a mini library just like those build by the Little Free Library. The students wrote on the first page of the books a personal testimonial on why they liked the book which they signed with their names. Even more, every student from the Reading Class received a T-shirt which has written on its back the recommended title and on the front a message that says ”You are what you read”. Every Monday, all the students from the Reading Class wear their book recommendation T-shirts.
Now, let’s say a boy has a crush on a girl from the Reading Class. He will be able to go to the mini library, borrow the book she recommends, read it and go talk to her about it.
We implemented the first Reading Class in the spring this year. After we saw that students reacted so well to the idea, we started to search for sponsors for more classes like this. We finished the school year with yet another Reading Class. Now that school is starting again, we hope to implement many more Reading Classes. If you want to implement this idea, please do, we are more than willing to help.

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