Born in Puglia, Italy, Paola Idrontino was educated at Central Saint Martins College in London which is commonly regarded in the industry as one of the world’s leading art and design institutions. After graduating with first-class honours, she went on to launch Papayapie, with the intention of exploring new ways of highlighting and dramatising the natural silhouette of the body using accessories and garments.

She is stirred by a passion for story telling, textile and beauty within nature, otherworldly wearable costumes and creatures from the deep sea. Moved by thoughts about infinite parallel universes and transient life forms.

All this she condenses into extraordinary costumes and accessories, each one a unique, wearable art work, or photographs elaborate tableaux that portray deep aspects of the psyche, the finished image being a stunning phantasmagorical picture full of mystery, beauty and insight.

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Mother of Coral


Coral Reef

Evanescent -work in progress – more then two years in the making , in attempt to portray coral bleaching caused by climate change.