With new research revealing that 25% of vegans and vegetarians secretly miss the taste of meat and almost a third still enjoy the tantalizing smell of it*, Peperami is on a mission to satisfy the nation’s cravings, guilt-free, on the last day of Veganuary.

The UK’s favorite meaty snack brand took to the streets on 31st January, wafting delicious meaty smells into the air from its Peperami Meat Wagon.

The poster vehicle cruised past popular vegan haunts, playfully teasing their plant-based punters with the smell of what they’re missing.

And while Peperami may not be able to overturn hardcore vegans, it might be answering the prayers of many part-time vegans who are nearing the Veganuary finish line.


    Animal teases a passing vegan on the last day of Veganuary

    Peperami pumps out the smell of meat into the streets as research reveals 25% of vegans secretly miss the taste of meat