The Line 28 is a must do in Lisbon, carrying more tourists than regular passengers all year long. The Line goes across some of the oldest parts of Lisbon, taking passangers to a natural sightseeing tour along old neighborhoods and building of the city in only few minutes. With the arrival of the Autumn, it becomes a smart option to avoid the constant rain.

Travessa São Tomé – Alfama

Rua Escolas Gerais – Alfama

Calçada de São Vicente – Alfama

Rua São Tomé – Alfama


Museu de Artes Decorativas Portuguesas – Alfama

Catedral da Sé

Rua da Conceição

Rua Vitor Cordon


Calçada do Combro – Bairro Alto

Rua Domingos Sequeira

Igreja do Santo Condestável