As a kid back in the 80’s, the Masters of the Universe (Heman and Shera) were some of my favorite shows. The blend of fantasy and science fiction (with monsters!) and some of the, conceptually, designs are some of the best I’ve seen.

As a “grown up”, I’ve tried to put a more “serious” spin on these classic and loved characters, turning it into something I, personally, would love to watch today.

Skeletor Redesign – I always thought Skeletor was cool! Although he always appeared a bit too nude to be a “master of evil” to my taste… So I gave him a more elaborate, snake themed, armor to represent his title of “King of Snake Mountain”.

Hordak Redesign – Hordak is chalk white, with red teeth and fangs, he even have a skull bat for an emblem… How was he NOT a vampire?!? I always liked his transformations… especially when he made himself into a rocket! Very cool :) Taking it a bit forward, I drew him transforming into different monsters and weapons at will.

Heman & Shera Redesigns – What bothered me the most about Heman and Shera was that they looked exactly the same after their transformation! just a bit more slutty… I mean, a loincloth and a mini skirt might draw attention for a bit, but come on! As the transformation was always about having “THE POWER”, I thought that energy forms would beat loincloths as a disguise any day :) I also tied their story to Skeletor’s, as he was mangled trying to harness that energy for himself (believing, then, that it’s for the greater good). Also, I wanted to address why Adam and Adora were chosen (their half Eternian half human DNA).


Catra Redesign – Although her transformation into a panther was cool, her most menacing feature was her annoying voice! I thought it would be cooler if her powers were not coming from a magic tiara, but more shamanistic and primal a force. The tiara was changed into a sabretooth skull with a dark spirit bound to it.


Scorpia Redesign – Who in their right mind choose to walk around with tiny pincers and an even smaller stinger?!? How does she go to the bathroom? Can she take them off?!? What would life be like if you had to be a scorpion… probably mess with your mind, no? Welcome to my thought process btw.

Imp Redesign – Imp was always this annoying kid that never bullied you directly, but was always there when you were, sneering behing the bullie’s back… That’s pretty much Imp in a nutshell… that and “What if Chucky the murder doll could change shape at will…”


Mantenna Redesign – Mantenna always looked awkward and goofy, But I did liked that his eyes would pop out of his head… It was creepy. That and his multiple limbs made me think of him as an insect/crustacean kind of creature, of those, non is weirder than the Mantis Shrimp (who can see colors humans cannot!), So his eyes are modelled after a Mantis Shrimp’s and I envisioned him being able to see several dimensions at once, his eyes radiating different energies to harm his foes and generally making everyone around him uncomfortable…

Leech Redesign – So what if a leech mutated, got really big, developed the ability to talk, walk upright AND could leech memories too… Is a question not asked often enough… Up until now! :) I imagined him as a lumbering giant, always hungry, always on the verge of going into a feeding frenzy and being impervious to, practically, everything. He has an inner mouth membrane so he can talk… but not very well… just so you know.


Modulok Redesign – I never actually seen him in action (on the show), but his toy looked awesome, and I read about him… He WAS a scientist that had an accident that made him… this – I just thought it fitted my redesign concept of Hordak with the whole “change shape at will” thing, and so I made him a Horde scientist, brewing troubles for the heroes.


Spikor Redesign – Spikor always looked bad ass and his original design – especially with the trident thing, made me think of him as a gladiator… So he became Skeletor’s former arena champion (retired undefeated), I made the trident into an extending claw, so he could pull people in for a painful embrace. Also, the black speedos had to go!

Mosquitor Redesign – We never learn if Mosquitor has a monstrous face, is a mutant or a guy in a suit… What was certain though was that the “face tube” had to change… how can you take anyone seriously with pipe on his face?!? Why not have it retractable? The stinger can shoot grenades, spray gas or acid and, if needed, shoot the poisoned barb. I imagined the suit being an “iron man” type power armor, allowing him to fly and augmenting his strength to super power levels.

TwoBad Redesign – I read somewhere that he could detach and reattach at will, although I never saw it happening in the show… I thought how, as a couple they would have a complementing fighting style, but as one being, they would be terrifyingly strong (and much slower).


Webstor Redesign – With so many spider like qualities AND the word “web” in his actual name, it was surprising how few limbs he actually had! As an expert infiltrator and spy, I thought he should have quieter tools than a metal grappling hook and a gun, so now he can shoot webs “spiderman style” AND fashion them into crude weapons if he needs to (the webs into weapons idea came from a Naruto villain called Kidomaru – although he used to puke it…).


King Hiss Redesign – The show had a several snake villains, some were actually working together, some were unrelated. I made all of them failed experiments of Modulok that broke free and made it on their own (a very hallmark moment!). King hiss looked cool and scary, but made you think about things like “how does he scratch his back without wounding himself?” and some very poignant “bathroom related” questions too… I reimagined him as a Hive mind / cluster of huge snakes tangled together lika a Rat king (if you dont know what THAT is, check out the freaky phenomena here –… “The more you Know!” :)


Rattlor Redesign – That scrawny neck that can magically extand looked a bit strange, so I made it fold unto itself – like a turtle’s neck… only way faster!

Kobra Khan Redesign – I gave him hollow fangs with the hole facing forward – just like a spitting cobra. I also got rid of his suspenders and (admittedly cool) scaly panties… BECAUSE HE’S A SNAKE AND HE DOESN’T NEED THEM!

Tunglashor Redesign – The original Tung Lashor was in wonderful shape! (to fit the toy mold probably), but I wanted him to swallow his enemies whole – like an anaconda. So I beefed him up and added a tongue you could actually believe can hold Heman down, and a physique of someone who actually do swallow (probably mainly minor) characters. It’s a bit hard to see, but there’s a “digesting Tung Lashor” pencil sketch at the lower right (where he’ll be bloated and sluggish). Also, I appreciated that he doesn’t want to leave fingerprints, but the black leather gloves had to go… and he doesn’t need the panties too… HE’S A SNAKE!!!

Squeeze Redesign – It is strange to imagine poor Squeeze running around without tripping, or doing anything practical really, with his arms dangling about. So I imagined them stretching out, like a very fast snail’s eyestalk. Also, the longer it extends, the more translucent it becomes.

Snoutspout Redesign – Just imagine a fireman running around a burning building with that snout flapping about?!? Now STOP IT! Also, his axe was… underwhelming. I wanted to make him a more formidable look with a more serious… tool. Instead of a water hose in the nose (oh look, a rhyme…), I made his tusks into the water hoses, water container on his back, searchlights in the helmet (which has a turn of the century fireman’s helmet crest…), what’s not to like?!?

Bow Redesign – Somehow, Bow managed to be the most feminine character in an all female cast… with a “Care Bear” heart on his chest… which is not good if you want to be taken seriously as a rebel fighter! But with a tragic back story to explain why would a rebel have a heart tattoo displayed – obviously to tempt death (after losing all reasons to live). Not to fear though, in my version of the story, he will learn to love again :)

Kowl Redesign – In the show, Kowl is Bow’s (even more!) flamboyant friend! He had the personality of a 80 year old Jewish woman (and not in a good way) – always complaining and being super negative. I made him a majestic bird of the Whispering Woods – where the rebels hide. Bow was imprinted on him as his mother after he was the first thing Kowl saw after hatching. He’ll be a comedy relief, repeating words and phrases he heard (usually at the wrong place and time), like the best parrot ever!