I have been steadily keeping a journal since I was 12. I made my first books when I was half that. (My boys, Søren, 8 and Silas 6, do as well. Storytelling, bookbinding, drawing…) I gathered leather bits, steeped in stories from flea markets, abandoned houses, yards sales et cetera. I bound massive tomes for myself, and when asked, for others as well. My jewellery bench (where the smaller parts gathered) began to fill up too high, my favourite pieces, not yet fit for the trash were overflowing, so one day, for the fun of it, I made some small books “to attract attention to my booth” I explained to my ever-curious Papa. They did more then attract attention – they sold out quicker then anything else. When I returned home I added a jump ring and chain and the book necklace found its way into the world. This was before Peg and Awl – I had a business called The Black Spot Books. When I met Walter, we started Peg and Awl, a bringing together of both of our passions. The Black Spot faded as Peg and Awl grew. We have made 1000s of book necklaces, covering them in olde wallets, spats, saddles. We use antique leather postcards covered with handwriting of folks long gone… We have used leather from antique sofas, removed when ready for reupholstering, Victorian Boots, Baseball Gloves. We give new life to these olde objects – transforming them into wearable useable journals! Many love just wearing them, but check out #pegandawlmini on Instagram to see all of the incredibly detailed drawings and paintings of artists from around the world, all tucked into our miniature books!