For almost 5 years I prepared myself for photography, subscribing to channels, watching tutorials, learning shooting styles, how to’s…it was my way of escaping from everyday tasks, it gave me the energy to overcome the everyday struggle with life, being eastern-european life can be gray most of the time. I wanted to reproduse real life scenes and create them, things that everybody can relate to, I guess empathy and a small amount of human psychology helped a lot. So I decided to enter a local photo school without even having a camera. So I started this photography school I knew I have a vision I just needed more on the field or in the studio work, learn the routine. So the next 10 images represent my degree work.

My degree work shows relationships a girl/woman could have in her life. This line-up is based on a real story.In order, they are high school lover, rebel partner, one-night stand partner, the “daddy” partner, the jealous guy, the female partner, the BDSM partner, the infidel partner, the look alike steady relationship partner and in the end…a single mom.

So I had the story, I had the models (which by the way were opened minded and understood the story and my demands, acting perfectly in their role) , I had an amazing makeup artist who finished the art school and worked in theatrical makeup and who is, by the way, the mother of my child. In every relationship the character changes after her partners, her inner mood and her makeup and hairstyle also, all of them want her “differently”. In most of them, she is like a property of them (in all photos where the male is behind her, hence the hand over her) trying to suggest the idea “she is mine”. In all relations she is trying to discover herself. In the last shot she is a single mom, even though she is single she is happy.

My name is Ursache Valentin, I’m from Romania and the model is Patricia Nicola and the makeup artist Claudia Hulea…i hope you like it

Jealous guy


Highschool lover

Rebel Partner

One night stand partner


“Daddy” partner

Female Partner

BDSM Partner

Infidel Partner


Look alike partner

Single mom…