No one wants to come into work on a Monday, especially after a long weekend of fun or leisure time. It’s hard to get back into the groove, so I wanted to come up with a way to “make Mondays smilier”. I started drawing Mon-daily pictures of my cat Bitty Cow in November of last year.

Do you remember playing Wacky Mad Libs at slumber parties or in grade school English class? You know, that word game where you fill in the blanks with (inappropriate) nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc to make a funny story? Well, I’ve decided to incorporate the ingenious tactics of Wacky Mad Libs to let YOU help write the Meow Mondays stories for next year!

I’ve launched a Kickstarter project to keep Meow Mondays going through all of 2016, and for the month of November you can subscribe to the weekly drawings (and submit Wacky Words) by pledging as little as $1.

The project is live from November 2 – December 4, 2015.

More info:

Up, Up and Away

My cats dressed up for Halloween. Bitty Cow went as a scary Ghost, Grapers was a ninja, and Loca went as the King of Rock n Roll!

This is what a typical Meow Mondays cartoon drawing looks like. Just something fun to see when you open your email, designed to make you smile.

Bitty Cow dreams of fantasy football food…


Chillin’ like a Kitten… Summer, 2015


At the Santa Monica Pier

Bitty Cow and Loca Chiton head down Route 61