This is a children’s book that I’ve been working on for The Tales of Lavender and Elune.

“Let’s go to the moon!” Howled Elune.

“We could travel there by hot air balloon.”

“I think you are forgetting” Lavender replied; “that we will need a rocket ship to fly that high. Do not be discouraged for I have just the thing! We will build our rocket ship out of cardboard boxes and string!”

“Are you sure mother won’t mind?” Asked Elune. “I do not think she will mind one bit. Now all we have to do is sit. Prepare the countdown!” Shouted Lavender.


And with a zoom they raced their way towards the moon.

They continued to race their way to their destination while waving at the International Space Station.

They even made a strange new friend along the way. With skin greener than green and a friendly smile that no one could ever find mean.

“One small step for space dog and one large hop for rabbit kind” Elune said with excitement as they walked their way across the surface of the moon. Lavender looked to Elune while placing their flag securely on the moon, marking another successful tale of Lavender and Elune.