Never been a cat person. Since my dog passed away I was very sad. But this tiny princess was a gift on my birthday and she melted my heart.

More info: Instagram

Speak hooman!

What’s the point of life? Meh, such an easy question.

I’ll tell you, when you ready

Not right now


Well, It’s a …

Nvm … Come back later hooman.

Oh, the answer is 42 dude, haven’t you seen it in Futurama?


Never been a cat person. Since my dog passed away I was very sad. But this tiny princess was a gift on my birthday and she melted my heart.

More info: Instagram

Speak hooman!

What’s the point of life? Meh, such an easy question.

I’ll tell you, when you ready

Not right now


Well, It’s a …

Nvm … Come back later hooman.

Oh, the answer is 42 dude, haven’t you seen it in Futurama?