Mr. Rainy Cloud is its name.

This happy character is a white cloud with legs made of raindrops. Each drop was hand felted using a felting needle.

The making of Mr. Rainy Cloud it takes quite a while . In order to create the three dimensional aspect of his rainy legs I’ve felted 82 tiny raindrops. And then placed them one by one until the legs were all covered.

And here you can see the process. Enjoy!

More info: Etsy

Mr. Rainy Cloud with his rainy legs

The basic shape is done, now is time to add the raindrops

Felting, felting, felting raindrops…

Adding the first raindrops …


Half way there…

Almost done…


Et voila! Rainy legs done!

Mr. Rainy Cloud is its name.

This happy character is a white cloud with legs made of raindrops. Each drop was hand felted using a felting needle.

The making of Mr. Rainy Cloud it takes quite a while . In order to create the three dimensional aspect of his rainy legs I’ve felted 82 tiny raindrops. And then placed them one by one until the legs were all covered.

And here you can see the process. Enjoy!

More info: Etsy

Mr. Rainy Cloud with his rainy legs

The basic shape is done, now is time to add the raindrops

Felting, felting, felting raindrops…

Adding the first raindrops …


Half way there…

Almost done…


Et voila! Rainy legs done!