I’m a video director and my dad and brother are cafe owners. We’re Assyrian. Yes those people from way back in the day from the bible – Mesopotamia. But we happen to own a small, European-style cafe with an Italian name in downtown San Francisco.

My family is quite hot blooded at times. So I thought, why not create a video that exaggerates my father and brother’s personalities…and boy do they shine. They are just hilarious. But perhaps it’s just me as I know them well, but I’m telling you, they play so well with each other on-screen, especially for 2 non-actors.

So Caffe Bianco has been around since 1981. It’s a little gem within the financial district of San Francisco. Not too many people know about it and it has this quaint, charming feel. Luckily, old is new again within the tech and hipster communities, so we’ve seen an influx of people back into the caffe. And we hope to share it with more people.

Oh yeah and their fresh seasonal foods wrapped within lavash bread, tasty salads, soups, sandwiches will melt your cheesy heart.

All I can say is, watch the video, stay through till the end cause you’ll get some funny bloopers and then go try their coffee and food. It’s so relaxing to chill out over there.



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A son and pop shop! Hilarious goofballs

Bani has atitude


Anu ponders life over his espresso

Chia bowl


Lavash Wrap

Quinoa/Avocado Salad

Anu seriously shopping for groceries