What a year!

I made this Lego Wedding video using my childhood brick building skills because I wanted to comfort my fiancee.

Due to coronavirus, our July summer wedding in California this year was postponed till next year.

Not surprisingly, this has caused my fiancée Gaby to have anxiety and disappointment.

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#1 Lego Wedding Love Video: Gosh I hope she likes it!

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It took me around 4 weeks to complete and countless sleepless nights.

I am grateful for friends that helped me film as well as produce original music.

When I finally showed her the video, she had a big smile.

She thought it was “cute overload” and wanted to share some positive vibes with family and friends.

In a matter of days, we had a few thousand views and a few hundred comments on YouTube and a few hundred views on Instagram.

We knew we were onto something from the community responses.

#2 OMG! We got on Hawaii News!

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Rick Quan, a seasoned newscaster, saw our video and wanted to share it with his audience.

We were just joyous.

#3 Annoying but loving aunties in traditional Chinese outfits


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Growing up as an Asian American, I wanted to give respect to my parents.

I looked hard to find Chinese Lego outfits.

Annoying Chinse aunties always asked me when I would get married.

#4 Our Dog “Mochi” as Ring Bearer. Kick it to me boy!!


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We can’t count on kids to walk straight and be”ringer bearers” right?

So, we enlisted on our dependable dog “Mochi.”

#5 Arriving in White Horse. Trying to be Prince Charming.

We have friends who “Bling” it up at weddings with fancy cars.

I wanted to be a classic romantic and arrive as on a white horse.