I’ve lived in a rural setting for most of my life and I’ve formed a close relationship with the sky. On a clear winters’ night or summers’ evening, looking up I can see the depth of the universe and the stars in the sky really do sparkle when I gaze at them. They are mesmerizing and have become my biggest source of artistic inspiration.

I’ve painted a lot of stars, not to say that I don’t enjoy painting other subjects, it’s just that stars are my favorite subject. I have painted them in oils, watercolors and acrylics; my favorite medium is always oils. They don’t dry to fast and this gives me time to manipulate the paint the way I like to.

Currently, I’ve been working on a series of miniature paintings. They are quickly becoming a new signature piece of mine and I have been offering them for sale through my Etsy shop. I plan to wrap up the milky way series in the new year.

More info:

Miniature Painting of the Universe in Oils on Canvas

A 4″ x 4″ oil painting of the milky way by Canadian artist Kari Weatherbee, owner of The Old Mill Yard Art & Design Studio.

Painting the Milky Way

A time lapse video of a miniature oil painting of the milky way.