My name is Alisha Ober, and I’m a children’s illustrator from Silicon Valley, California. I graduated many years ago with an art degree but ended up working in tech and not doing much art until I purchased an iPad and Apple pencil in 2016 and discovered the wonders of the Procreate app. Working digitally, I post something new every day.

For the month of October, I’m following the Drawlloween 2017 prompts on Instagram and Twitter to create child-friendly Halloween works!

More info:

Day 1: Return from the Dead

Day 2: Summon Day

Day 3: Tombsday

Day 4: Pumpkin Wicked This Way Comes


Day 6: Folklore Friday

Day 7: Cobweb Crawlers

Day 8: Deep Sea Denizens

Day 9: Fanged Fiends