I like drawing a lot in my free time. I joined this site a couple weeks ago and realized I could show off some art. I’m not very talented, but I still felt like it anyways. These range from quarantine core (March 2020) to this month (January 2021) Enjoy!

#1 This one I spent a lot of time on, it came out okay.

#2 This one isn’t that good but I drew it in like 10 mins so you can’t blame me

#3 This was for school- It’s not exactly a drawing, but I thought I would show it anyways.

#4 This was also for school. I chose the first item I saw as my word.


#5 I worked pretty hard on this, I forgot to add pen though.

#6 This is also one I am really proud of. I made it in study hall.

#7 I really hate this one but my teacher said it was really good.

#8 This one isn’t too good. I was low on supplies at the time.


#9 This one was a quick draw, but my mom liked it so I colored it in.

#10 This one I made in Quarantine. It was for this 518 rainbow thing my town was doing.