Hi! I’ve spent approximately the last 4 years illustrating my first children’s book. Here is my story: About 5 yrs ago, I felt this internal nudge in the back of my mind to write a book. I’m a pop-surrealist artist but my first thoughts were unrelated to anything artistic. I did nothing, but as time went on, the whisper became louder. I was flipping through my sketch pad and came across this little girl character and the thought came to me that she would make a great character for a book. As the nudge became the whisper, became the scream, I eventually sat down and wrote the first three books of my HoneyBelle Book Series – which took me about 3 days. (its’ the illustration that has taken the longest!). This post is to share with you this first book. Thanks for taking the time to read and watch the video at the end! You can purchase this book on You can also follow me on all social media as I get started on this journey:


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This is the cover of my first book.

The book follows HoneyBelle and the friends and creatures she will meet on her journeys.

In this first book, she meets a bird afraid and lonely – without friends, who has only one eye.

Those that are different from him, taunt and tease him. HoneyBelle can understand as she too, has had her own experience of being different than others.


He tells HoneyBelle: “they think me unworthy of being a friend, some just ignore me, while some just pretend. It makes me feel lonely and sad, “other-than”.”

She explains about herself, but yet has understanding that some are unkind as they are hurting inside.


Throughout the story she befriends him, encouraging him to be himself no matter how different.


That everyone has their quirks and are odd in their own way – and that is OK!

Embrace who you are!

HoneyBelle Books Series 1: HoneyBelle and her Merry Band of Others