My name is Nick Filippou, owner of @iizcat, and I wrote a Christmas book called “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas, As Told By The Cat” starring my rescue kitty, Minnie.

Minnie is a former feral who lived outdoors before I adopted her. She has a clipped ear thanks to the TNR program and my kitty in the story has the same.

I wanted to tell the story of the night before Christmas, but instead, tell it from the perspective of the cat.

“Santa came to the wrong house…The night before Christmas is usually a magical time where children and family eagerly anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus… but what about the cat? From a cat’s perspective, the night before Christmas isn’t so magical… in fact… it’s about survival… and the cat doesn’t take too kindly to dark sorcerers breaking into their home. Santa never had to deal with this much cattitude.”

Check it out in the link below on Amazon!

More info:

My rescue kitty posing with her book

In book illustration… sneaking up on Santy Claws


Minnie looking adorable


Enjoying her book

Available on Amazon!