I am a ceramic sculptor who like to create unique monsters and robots. One day I decided to tell a longer story about one of my clay creations and wrote the children’s book, Melvin the Sad…(ish) Robot. Photographed all over the San Francisco Bay Area, it told the story of a sad and lonely robot looking for love and happiness.

With the success of that story I started working on my second book Melvin the Lost Robot. This story took me across the country to photograph my clay sculptures in New York City. Telling a story about kindness and “building bridges over walls”, this book took me over 4 years to complete. Traveling back in forth across the country with ceramic sculptures, and trying to photograph them in one of the busiest cities in the world was no joke!

During the production of the Lost Robot I decided to create another story for Melvin that I could produce a bit faster, so I wrote, sculpted, photographed, and then digitally altered Melvin the Super(duper) Robot. This story answers the question of what it truly means to be super.

I am finally at the end of production and have launched a kickstarter campaign to get these books self published in early 2022. The book will be billed as “the Lost Robot”, but it will be 72 pages long, and also contain the “the Super(duper) Robot story as well. Also, all books come signed by me! If anyone is interested in checking out the campaign, please feel free to follow the link and make a pledge!

More info:

Melvin enjoying a quiet afternoon, reading an advanced copy of the Lost Robot.


The cover for the Lost Robot

Melvin Lost is city….well, Brooklyn, but close enough.

Melvin and his toaster dog B.T.(burnt toast), enjoying a little Sunday crossword and coloring.


Hide and seek time during the first weeks of the pandemic.

Melvin finally getting to hang out with some of his new friends in his new home town of Denver.

the cover for Melvin the Super(duper) Robot.

Melvin testing out a superhero costume. Also this show the digital illustration in the Super(duper) Robot when Melvin is imagining himself as a superhero.


Having lasers for eyes seems like one of the trickiest super powers to adjust to.

Melvin and his super team…

My dog is a big fan of Melvins books as well.

Oh, wait, so are all the fruits that hang out in my kitchen.

What do yo know? So are all the veggies!


Mural/coloring book drawing from the book.

Melvin lost in Central Park(unfinished photo) with his besties B.T.


Melvin crash landing on liberty island.

I sculpted dozens of new characters for this story, all so they could enjoy some burnt pizza in the park.