Greetings Dear Pandas :)

I am professionally known and go by the name Napstone and I am a creative and digital visual artist, amongst other things. I have always had an artistic and creative longing since I can remember. Going back to my childhood and since I gained consciousness of my senses, I found myself always trying to make sense of the world around me, either technically, constantly taking things apart to understand how and why they work, which led me to studying mechanical engineering, or be it in artistic interests, that led to currently being a Visual Artist and Graphic Designer, Photographer and Filmmaker. That childlike wonder and insatiable sense of curiosity never left my side.

After graduating as an engineer from The University of Manitoba, Canada [2011] and working in the booming oil and gas sector in Calgary from 2011 to 2015, I suddenly found myself going through some personal spiritual transformations and evolution in my consciousness, albeit a painful one, that had me asking questions about my life and what road and path I really did want to embark on, on this journey called life. Questions about what my legacy to myself, my purpose, my mission was … and most importantly, about my place in The Cosmos and The Universe. I came to the realization in my consciousness, that I was indeed, The Answer to all my questions. And in the eternal words of Michael Jackson, ‘I had to stop existing and start living’. In getting a formal education and transitioning into the corporate world, I had gradually strayed from who I knew deep down I was. I definitely loved being an engineer, but I loved being an artist more. I had to journey back to my childhood artistic tendencies, back to my origins, back to my childlike wonder of creating and expressing my inner beauty and imagination, back to where I belonged, back to being a free thinker with daring lofty thoughts!


On a trip to Dubai back in March 2018, I had explored the beautiful city for a few days and taken quite a ton of photos of the city, the towers, the beaches and the overall magnificence essence of the beauty of the city. In returning back home, I began pushing my creative frontiers deeper and further into the horizon and taking more artistic “risks”, freeing my mind more, bringing down those mental structures and linear thinking I’d been soo stuck in all those years. And so I began experimenting with a new photo manipulation technique that I was still fine tuning, but which still required something missing to “click” … to come together majestically. In a last gasp of desperation, I had fed one of my travel photos into this technique and did some additional photoshop editing manipulation and the results were just stunning!

You know when you have a blissful ‘eureka’ moment and you are just bubbling with inner calm excitement mixed with awe and wonder, because you know this discovery will lead to many wonderful things from your imagination, that was exactly how I felt. So I started feeding selected photos from the tens of thousands of photos, mostly travel photos, I had taken over the last ten years as a professional and hobbyist photographer, into this photo manipulation technique and each one was more mind blowing than the other. It was very fortuitous and befitting, because this artistic boundless style reflected my inner state of evolving spiritual conscious awareness I was becoming daily. The boundlessness of each art piece seemed to expand my mind, my thinking, my awareness more and more, knocking down conformity, knocking down artistic norms, no rules applied here, at the same time every rule applied here, in a mix and battle between abstractism and realism resulting in a balanced tug of war between both isms! Yes, I was knocking down my own limited thinking, each art piece was a call to expand my consciousness and imagination more and more, and which every call I heeded, I was called some more and on and on. This was how and why I decided to name this style, Infinite Art, I am Infinite Artist.


My first official Infinite Art piece, the one that gave me that ‘aha’ eureka moment, was a photo I had taken of The Bow building, located downtown Calgary, during the height of The Recession of 2009. I had visited Calgary for the first time while I was still an engineering student, that summer of 2009, when the economy had taken a serious hit. So The Bow tower/building [As it’s officially called and known now] construction had been halted as the construction of this tower building had caused much stir and debate in the city regarding the price at such economic hard times. When I fed that photo in and spent about three hours editing and working on it and seeing the final result, I was in awe and that was the piece that officially launched me into creating more of this style and that piece, befittingly I called ‘The Bow’ holds a special place in my heart :)

I have about a few hundred of these created from my photos, from my visit to Grandville, Vancouver [Mayan Cosmic Disc piece], Space Elevator [Dubai Train Station] which was also one of my first piece along with The Bow, Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton [4D Rose] and many more are displayed on my Instagram page [napstone_] and on my Behance Page [] which also has my full portfolio of works from my Filmmaking and Professional Graphic design.

It’s hard to talk about the future, but looking forward, I really do see myself and my works digitally displayed for everyone to see, enjoy and speak to them personally. Art speaks to each of us individually. I see myself creating installation art pieces around the world on many scales, sizes and levels, of which I have soo many ideas already, collaborating with other creatives around the world, on meaningful projects that will spread love and light to the world and to all who see it, be it NFTs/Crypto, Media, Advertising, Virtual Reality, Filmmaking & Story Telling, Video Games etc my creativity has no boundaries and I am always looking for newer creative ways and channels to express all that is beautiful and makes my heart sing :)


I AM Napstone and This Is My Story

More info: Instagram

Space Elevator

2079 A.D

My Dubai

Mayan Cosmic Disc


Buzzing To Glory

4D Rose

The Bow

Green shells


The Force