I am Heather Everitt an embroiderer from Devon, England. My creative passion in life is to stitch beautiful butterflies and moths. Inspired by vintage entomology collections, I use layers of silk, thread and beads to depict the wing patterns of these glorious creatures.

Each textile sculpture takes from five to ten hours to complete, they can be from 6 to 26cm wide. The bodies are made with needlefelting in pure wool.

The butterflies can nestle in your clothing or fly up your walls it’s up to you.

Each specimen is presented in its own box lived with a vintage map, it’s accompanied by a stitched linen label with its Latin name.

At the moment I’m working my way through the British species but with a world full of butterflies I’ll never be short of inspiration.

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A Painted Lady in silk and organza layers.

British butterflies nestled in a vintage entomology box.

The stunning Camberwell Beauty.

A pretty Orange Tip in Liberty print fabrics.


The endangered Duke of Burgundy.


Close up of a Tiger moth with his feathery antennae.

A monochrome Marbled White.