At ValoisFelts I create things using the needle felting process. I also love writing and try to combine the two. This story involves a baby dragon, and much like human babies they are always either hungry or getting sick in your hair from eating too fast.

In a land far away at the top of a gothic tower lives a Princess, Rapunzel, with long golden hair.

Back in the cities old women tell tales of her, cursed and trapped with a dragon to keep her from escaping. Knights, Princes and even gamekeepers become enchanted by the stories of her and one by one journey to the far away land with the hope of rescuing and making her their bride. None of them return.

The Princess Rapunzel waits for them. She grows her hair so they can climb it. Once they are high up enough she pulls out her scissors and cuts, so her friend and guardian can have a meal that night.

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