The Grinch is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss in his 1957 book How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Grinch is the main character, who, during the course of the book, raids the homes of the residents of Who-ville in an attempt to steal all Christmas things and destroy them.

He hates everything about Christmas, from the presents to the decorations, to the joyful feelings people get from being with their loved ones. The Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day. The Grinch is a horrible monster who hates everything about Christmas. His heart is two sizes, not three, but he does change after meeting the Who’s, who show him the true meaning of Christmas and how to celebrate it.

The Grinch lives in a cave by himself where he makes himself a Grinch costume which he wears when he steals everything from the towns people. This costume is made up of many layers and is a fairly easy costume to make, but it is a very recognizable costume. Making this costume is not too hard and is a very fun costume to make!

My daughter had to be the Grinch for Halloween this year. I had no idea how I was going to make a Grinch costume. In the end I found a pattern that I could modify to make what I wanted. I used red fleece and sewed the white part on with red thread. I cut the top of the hat and the bottoms of the legs and stuffed them with batting. I also made a tail out of fleece.

I put together this quick tutorial on how to make the kids grinch costume. It’s a fun little costume that I made in under an hour, and it was pretty easy to do!


You can also order your costumes at:

More info:

Kids Grinch Costume

The Grinch is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss in his 1957 book How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Grinch is the main character, who, during the course of the book, raids the homes of the residents of Who-ville in an attempt to steal all Christmas things and destroy them.

He hates everything about Christmas, from the presents to the decorations, to the joyful feelings people get from being with their loved ones. The Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day. The Grinch is a horrible monster who hates everything about Christmas. His heart is two sizes, not three, but he does change after meeting the Who’s, who show him the true meaning of Christmas and how to celebrate it.

The Grinch lives in a cave by himself where he makes himself a Grinch costume which he wears when he steals everything from the towns people. This costume is made up of many layers and is a fairly easy costume to make, but it is a very recognizable costume. Making this costume is not too hard and is a very fun costume to make!

My daughter had to be the Grinch for Halloween this year. I had no idea how I was going to make a Grinch costume. In the end I found a pattern that I could modify to make what I wanted. I used red fleece and sewed the white part on with red thread. I cut the top of the hat and the bottoms of the legs and stuffed them with batting. I also made a tail out of fleece.

I put together this quick tutorial on how to make the kids grinch costume. It’s a fun little costume that I made in under an hour, and it was pretty easy to do!


You can also order your costumes at:

More info:

Kids Grinch Costume