It was not only the Corona-crisis and the lock-down, but many other crises unfortunately coming all at the same time, when I decided that I needed an own challenge to keep me sane and on-going during difficult times. So, why not counteracting the crises with nature (inspired) beauty and make a photo-collage each day to send to friends and support them and myself during these challenging times? On some days I have to push myself to make photos instead of laying in bed, but it helps to have something to stick on, even through very bad times.

I’m not a photographer, just a creative engineer with artistic hobbies, sometimes inspired by the nature ( On holidays in far-away and close-by places or whenever possible I make (thousands of) amateurs photos of nature, since the nature’s perfection and beauty in every detail is really amazing and it fascinates me.

Even a small house and/or garden can be a place to (re)discover the beauty of tiny, small and perfect things and beings in challenging times. And why not making the photos with an iPhone and some attached lenses, instead of professional cameras?

Challenge accepted and I keep on going with the hope that some day I can return to my ‘normal'(more info:

8 April 2020 Flower beauties of today: some flowers are fading, some flowers are carrying new summer fruit, some fruits are memories of past years and some flowers are still waiting to open their petals in the sun… like life, love and happiness…

9 April 2020 Challenges and encounters; learning from the insects: curiosity and explorations of new grounds despite all odds… start again with new ideas/energy a new day full for new adventures, life-lessons and inspiring encounters.


10 April 2020 Anemones: just beautiful and colorful every sunny spring day.

11 April 2020 The working season has already started for the ant, one of the most zealous insect… The ants and their work, their gardens/cattle and explorations…


12 April 2020 Happy Easter! for the ones celebrating it today. The dancing rabbits (self made ceramics) are dancing the whole night… in the daytime they are just hanging and protect the garden and the flowers.

13 April 2020 Pink blossoms Once a year two nearby streets are becoming ‘pink streets’ for almost two weeks…Here they are, blossoming cherry trees just amazing soft pink fragile petals… just few days of beauty and then they will cover the streets in a thin layer of pink snow…

14 April 2020 However not (yet) as many as in other years, the bees and bumblebees are visiting our garden flowers and some are looking for a spacious home


15 April 2020 The white beauty of our (sour) cherry mini-tree blossom. Every year it is an incredible journey from the empty branches shaking in the cold winter wind to the many dark-red sour cherries (for delicious jam and tasty liqueur) sensually lurking between the green leafs in the summer sun… I am waiting for the summer already…


16 April 2020 Photo collage of today: steam punk photos with some ants. I was so lucky to make some great photos with these thirsty ants… at first I was angry to have spilled the sweeten water meant for the butterflies. The sun, blue sky and our yellow terrace cover turned the water spot into a magic colored river where giant ants are drinking from the dark-yellow-golden oil-colored water…

17 April 2020 Furry white winter coats in spring times. It is spring time: the garden is already green and full of color and life. However, some greens still have cold, since the are still wearing warm winter clothing with millions of tiny fine hairs, like exquisite white fur coats.


18 April 2020 Face your fears. I still have a snail-phobia and it is terrible because I love working in the garden. However it is good to know your ‘enemies’ by observing them carefully, from a distance of course …for the photos I could not find many living ones, but for sure they are waiting there crawling in dark and moisture places😬

19 April 2020 The life and beauty of the tulips… some are just young, starting their short life of colored beauty, some others started earlier in spring and now are already aging quickly…they look simple, but they are not… beautiful color combinations in each flower.

20 April 2020 It is time to stretch all your six legs and your antennae (feelers) and get ready for a new season of fight, love and eat… the shield bugs (stink bugs) are well camouflaged between the leafs: you have to search well for them, but sometimes you may be lucky to find them in different colors.


21 April 2020 Yellow-orange sunny flowers from the garden to bring you joy and happiness today.

22 April 2020 Love season has started… with perfectly drawn hearts on the back of some insects, while the beautiful red-black bugs are already ‘coupled’ with their partners if they had found the right ones …so many of these insects in sunny spots of the garden… Kamasutra or another kind of sutra?

23 April 2020 Color symphony in purple-pink… whether they are cultivated flowers or wild/bad herbs, flowers are beautiful… even the nettle flowers are special when you look closely.

24 April 2020 True or fake facts/news? My garden is full of caterpilars: everywhere on every plant, flower and tree there are lots of caterpilars…If you look better/closer you’ ll see that it is fake news: I have found only 1 larger caterpillar in the whole garden after a long search; the other ‘caterpillars’ are birch-flowers, but they look like caterpillars or vice-versa… I have never noticed this before this photo-challenge.