I started writing fiction in 2015 with my first book The Finite. It was a very bad first attempt in writing, but it opened a lot of emotions inside of me that I wasn’t aware of.

I had depression for a few years now, and the only way to get out of it was through writing fiction stories. My brain is usually full of depressing thoughts, and I used to deal with it by drinking lots of caffeine. It was the only way that I could be addicted to something that is not harmful to my brain and body. It was an escape from everything at the time.

My mother has dementia, and I wrote about it in my book titled Washed Out in 2017. It was the most difficult book to write about, but I had to let it out. People who experienced the things I experienced should know that they’re not alone in this. there are people who are suffering too.

I have other books that I am planning to write in the near future. Depression sometimes makes me not want to write anything and just lay on the couch. Or over sleep through the days.

I got over 600 rejections from agents, which is what makes my depression even worse. I keep thinking if my writing ever important to the world? should I just quit all together?

It’s tricky to be depressed, but depression is not a white flag. It shouldn’t be.


Safa Shaqsy

Author of YA fiction books

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I started writing fiction in 2015 with my first book The Finite. It was a very bad first attempt in writing, but it opened a lot of emotions inside of me that I wasn’t aware of.

I had depression for a few years now, and the only way to get out of it was through writing fiction stories. My brain is usually full of depressing thoughts, and I used to deal with it by drinking lots of caffeine. It was the only way that I could be addicted to something that is not harmful to my brain and body. It was an escape from everything at the time.

My mother has dementia, and I wrote about it in my book titled Washed Out in 2017. It was the most difficult book to write about, but I had to let it out. People who experienced the things I experienced should know that they’re not alone in this. there are people who are suffering too.

I have other books that I am planning to write in the near future. Depression sometimes makes me not want to write anything and just lay on the couch. Or over sleep through the days.

I got over 600 rejections from agents, which is what makes my depression even worse. I keep thinking if my writing ever important to the world? should I just quit all together?

It’s tricky to be depressed, but depression is not a white flag. It shouldn’t be.


Safa Shaqsy

Author of YA fiction books

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