I had one in my early 20's. I was with an abusive partner and the medication that I take to control my epilepsy is not conducive with pregnancy. I'd have to be taken off it, starting the immediate cycle of daily grand mal seizures again while we tried to find a new med, or continue to take it and poison the child by way of my liver. On top of that I was broke, had a history of sexual and physical abuse in my childhood, was not stable and was again with an abusive partner and didn't want to have children as a result. Now almost 15 years later I'm half of a wonderful, beautiful, happy and selfish childless/free marriage and I don't regret my decision for a single second. The only thing I wish I could change is having support for the procedure. My shitty ex dropped me off and picked me up a block away from Planned Parenthood, leaving me to fend for myself against the evil people with awful signs yelling out front. But wouldn't ever make the decision differently.