I never thought I’ll be the guy that would have an opportunity to be able to do an Aerial Photography or even able to fly in a helicopter (this helicopter doesn’t even have doors), especially all over Natal Zulu area by Durban. Yet some how, it happens. If it wasn’t for music and photography, I wouldn’t be in the air today. When I got into Photography last year in 2016, I was falling in love with photography and I would try all categories for photography, it can be beachscape, cityscape, landscape, portrait, and of course, skateboarding. I did a bit of everything.

Long story short, How i managed to acquired the privilege to fly in a helicopter, while doing stage photography at a pub, I met this amazing drummer named Rohan Myburgh from a local heavy metal band called “Your Cynical Sanity” that performed at Winston Pub Stage. It’s kinda funny, because Your Cynical Sanity was the first band I ever photograph while they are performing, at the same time I was taking photograph while they killed it on the stage. As time flies from the good times at the Pub’s stage, One day Rohan sent me a message on Whatsap offering me an adventure to fly in a heli-copter for some aerial photography.

South Africa is known to be one of the most beautiful country in the world, and it definitely is still living up to that reputation.


    As we fly off the airport into the sky

    This is what a pilot office look like toward Umhlanga coast


    When it’s time to fly for a adventure


    I almost drop my camera for this shot…

    Definitely would jump… Not


    Seascape of the Toti beach


    More seascape of Toti Beach


    The Durban Beach

    When a day dream becomes a reality

    Imaging flying over the Indian Ocean like this


    Umhlanga beach from pilot seat

    The Durban famous Habour

    The Golden hour of Durban

    We flew to this mountain to land the helicopter on the top of it


    Here we are. Top of the mountain. No city, no infrastructure, just completely a nature environment

    Perk of being pilot, never have to be stuck in the traffic again

    Flying over Durbannorth

    The icon of Durban, Moses Stadium

    Durban City


    GlenAshley beach (popular fishing spot)

    The lighthouse of Umhlanga

    This pier look like a sword from above

    This definitely look like a nice spot for a beach

    When the high way begins to look like mini-highway

    All the sudden, I want to do a road trip