Last year I crocheted 100 small hearts and it was so fun to see how people enjoyed finding them. This year I wanted much more, so I made 500.

I crocheted 40 hearts on average each day and used about 400 meters of yarn in total. Then I cut the cards, made a hole and tied the hearts to them. I started to crochet the hearts on the 1st of January so I finished everything in time, but I had to ask my friends to help me to hide the hearts.

We’ve attached a short message to the tiny hearts: “Got heart! I crocheted 500 hearts and hid them all over Budapest. This is one of them.”

More info:

This is how the hearts were made and hidden.

“There are exactly 500 hearts, we counted them.”

American BeautTEDDy.

Hidden hearts with a short message: “Got heart! I crocheted 500 hearts and hid them all over Budapest. This is one of them.”


More hearts…


Since I wrote my blog’s name on the cards, people started to send photos of the found hearts.