Someone Is Replacing Musicians With Cats In Famous Album Covers, And Result Is Better Than Original
The internet loves cats. We all know that. So it doesn't surprise anyone when artists use these adorable furballs in their art.
Digital artist Alfra Martini, also known as aymvisuals, decided to improve music album covers by replacing people and objects with playful images of felines. The result - a fun series of well-known album covers like you've never seen before.
Take a look at some of them below and vote for the best!
More info: thekittencovers.tumblr.com
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If you want some cat poo, , I tell you I'm your cat, You win some, lose some, it's all the same garden to me, The pleasure is to lay, makes no difference what you say, I don't share your need, the only thing I need is The cat paw spade, the cat paw spade
I got chills, they’re multiplying, that dog is giving me the eye... cause I need a cat, that can keep me safe and sexy, better step up, and stand in front of me.... I don’t want to be a snack!
I'd love to have this one as a poster *L* I use to love the Ramones back in their day!
Wait, did they accidentally post the same version twice here? Because I can't see any differences! Flawless!
The dogs should’ve been replaced with catnip mouse toys
Should have used Basement Cat since he [allegedly] sold his soul to the Devil....
Wow! How did they ever find a picture of a cat standing wistfully on a doorsill, neither coming nor going? I have never seen such a thing!
that's not the original on the left, it's freakin' nic cage. Maggot_Bra...042e87.jpg