The magic of the internet is undeniable, but at times this constant state of plugged in, switched on and connected can get a little overwhelming. The endless swiping and double-tapping, paired with a soulless smartphone glow, can feel hypnotic. Now and again it’s valuable to break the spell and get back to handwritten notes, face-to-face catch-ups and silence; in all its golden glory.

As the digital detox trend in the UK continues to grow, ever more of us are searching for ways to escape the clutches of social media, logging out of our laptops and powering down, with the primary reason for doing so being mental health. Despite our addiction to pings and little red notifications, we are beginning to acknowledge the detriment this gadget reliance is causing to our thought processes and self-esteem. Endless comparisons can lead to poor self-image. A dependence on likes means hours wasted creating the perfect post. Constant contact is the norm – but a lack of actual out-loud conversation means our interactions are becoming shallow. No meaningful human relationship was ever built on exclamation marks and the poop emoji.

So it’s time for a tech hiatus. An escape, an adventure, free from followers, unhindered by bleeps. Read on for how and where to make your electronic detox dreams a reality.

How to detox

The goal of a screen-free life (or even just a fortnight) speaks to many of us, but making it happen is easier said than done. While we’re eager to switch off for some peace, quiet and serious zen, the reality is – for many of us – our whole lives are contained in our WhatsApp groups and our email inbox. How will you get to the party if no one drops a pin at the location? Does a single member of your friendship circle know your number off by heart? (And no, your Mum doesn’t count.)


Get organised

The first stage of a detox is some basic forward planning. Let colleagues know you’re going off grid, make a note of events and addresses you’re going to need. If the people who care have ways of getting in touch (for the right reasons of course – no Kardashians GIFs allowed) your detox is off to a flying start.

Go old-school

Now people know you’re taking a digital break, it’s time to focus on replacing your usual modes of communication with analogue options. A wristwatch and a retro alarm clock are a good place to start. No more glancing at your phone for the time, and no danger of tumbling down an Instagram rabbit hole the moment you hit snooze in the morning. Get yourself a notepad that genuinely excites you (stationery-porn is a thing, embrace it) and keep track of ideas or errands you mustn’t forget. Finding a screen-free alternative to your usual routine can be fun, satisfying and ultimately freeing too.

Where to go

Simply unplugging might not be enough if you’re looking to make a point of your electronic detox. A tech-free holiday could be just what you need to fully escape the stresses and strains of that little world inside your phone. There are a few great options for bringing your focus away from your inbox and out into the real world, full of fresh air, green grass, and nary a like button in sight.

The Coast

One place you’re sure to feel the benefits of switching off is beside the sea. The crash of waves on pebbles and the roar of the wind will shake you from your stupor and remind you how vital it is to get back to nature, uninterrupted by buzzing and beeps. A smartphone has no place at a seaside paddle, one slip on a seaweed strewn rock and your gadget will be drowning in salt water. Best to leave it at home, and absorb the blissful view the best way you know how, not through a screen, but by having a good old fashioned look.


The Mountains

One way to guarantee fewer phone calls is to head up a mountain. The signal may be terrible, but the sense of freedom is second to none. An uphill march not only requires full concentration, meaning Snapchat filters are a hazy memory, it also gets your heart racing, your blood pumping and your mood through the roof. If you’re insistent on snapping the magnificent views, a high quality polaroid camera will provide far quirkier and longer-lasting memories than a phone.

The Countryside

Where better to enter tech rehab than the UK’s glorious rolling hills, its wildflower meadows or its picturesque farmland? Long walks, sunset picnics, puddle splashing and birdsong are a recipe for chill you wouldn’t dare ruin with a game of Candy Crush. Wifi is a dirty word out here, and by cutting that connection, you’ll be liberated in ways you never expected.

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