“It’s sad to see the world agree that they’d rather see their faces filled with flies.”

-Neutral Milk Hotel

Delusional Parasitosis, or Ekbom’s Syndrome, is a mental disorder in which individuals believe that their bodies are being infested by living/non-living pathogens, such as parasites, bugs, or insects, when no such infestation is actually present. When we die, our bodies return to the earth and nourish new life; our bodies become vessels for new life. Those who believe their bodies are infested with living creatures experience a feeling of suspiria, or whispers under one’s breath. The figures in this series seem content with meeting their demise and letting bugs creep inside them and take over their bodies, knowing they are returning to earth and giving back to nature.

More art:

Disintegrating (Suspiria)

“It’s sad to see the world agree that they’d rather see their faces filled with flies.”

-Neutral Milk Hotel

Delusional Parasitosis, or Ekbom’s Syndrome, is a mental disorder in which individuals believe that their bodies are being infested by living/non-living pathogens, such as parasites, bugs, or insects, when no such infestation is actually present. When we die, our bodies return to the earth and nourish new life; our bodies become vessels for new life. Those who believe their bodies are infested with living creatures experience a feeling of suspiria, or whispers under one’s breath. The figures in this series seem content with meeting their demise and letting bugs creep inside them and take over their bodies, knowing they are returning to earth and giving back to nature.

More art:

Disintegrating (Suspiria)