My boyfriend and I are a part of the big photo campaign “Able-bodied in love” organized by Avalon Extreme foundation. The premiere took place last weekend at conference “SexON” – people with disabilities talk about sexuality. I hope you like our work!

More info: Instagram

On one of the dating profiles I wrote that “if you want to meet me, invite me somewhere”. This is how our relationship began.

I can feel what a man who loves his woman feels – Marcin says in video

We are together seven years and I hope this journey never ends.

I am polish horror writer, influencer and IT specialist. Marcin is web-developer and copywriter. We have a lot of passions in common.


I believe in love. And you?

I am the so-called “non-service person”, which means I need help in most of my daily activities


Hope you enjoy our pictures! Remeber: love wins everything!