Cambodia will always remain a journey of a lifetime for me. Despite the dramatic living conditions way below poverty line, major part of local residents show ultimate friendliness and positive life attitude.

My personal travel rule “Never join a crowd” has worked especially well this time. Some of the photos I took cruising around Siem Riep and Poi Pet.

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5-8 sq meters per family – average living conditions in one of nearby ghettos

Nevertheless it was the most charming smile I have seen on my journey.

Mud as a source of protection against insects

Evening English classes in rural area. Everyone starting from peasant and ending with buddhist monks attend

Met this kid in a school. Didn’t manage to figure out what was his role there


Hand-crafted hut. Full of holes, nevertheless still entirely serves the shelter purpose

Local children, being slightly worried and at the same time curious about seeing foreign stranger


Local family I went on a walk through jungles. No electricity, no sewage. Well is the only source of water

Cold bucket of water – the only remedy against insane summer heat


The youngest kid in a family, without any house duties at the moment

This is how ratio of poverty looks like: rice and tiny fish caught in a nearby shallow river

Elder son appears to be main source of income for the family


He spends entire day painting. On average he completes two paintings per day, what afterwards may be sold at local market for tourists. 20USD per one, if lucky.

Mobile phone – modern antics – is the only evidence that I am still in modern era


What appeared to be a sand mixed with some kind of hand-made sauce, seemed like was edible product for children

“One dollar, sir?” is the most spoken English phrase in places attended by tourists

Local say, that children skip classes in attempt to make easy money. Therefore visitors are suggested not to show generosity.