In the series entitled “Butterfly”, Brazilian photographer Guilherme Bergamini portrayed his five-year-old daughter Manu, forced to stay at home during the social isolation imposed by the covid-19 pandemic.

“My five-year-old daughter Malu hasn’t had classes for over 370 days. There are only 40 students in her school and only 10 were paying tuition regularly. Social isolation has generated a lot of unemployment, and Brazil is going through a general crisis of institutions. A political and social tragedy. Yesterday I received a message from your school: closed its doors! I still haven’t had the courage to tell Malu that her school no longer exists.”

With photography, Guilherme Bergamini expresses his personal experiences and worldview. Enthusiastic and curious about the new contemporary possibilities that the technique allows, the visual artist uses photography as a means of political and social criticism. Awarded in national and international competitions, he participated in festivals and collective exhibitions in several countries around the world, in addition to having his photographs published in different Brazilian and foreign media outlets.

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