Inspired by the spectacle that was the 2016 Presidential election, artist Eric Spray became enamored with the creative outlet that the most recent election brought him. Sitting criss-cross-applesauce on his apartment living room floor while watching the volley of ridiculousness take place in the debates, Spray couldn’t help himself… he grabbed his pencil and a sketchbook and began drawing the circus as he saw it playing out in his head.

Day after day, Spray turned on the news and began drawing a new hilarious, yet beautiful caricature of a different presidential candidate, public official, or world leader. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, it didn’t matter which side of the fence; he drew them all.

As his apartment became overtaken by these sketches, he began sharing them out on Facebook to spread laughter among his friends during an otherwise heated time in the social media world. Instant hit. However, Spray’s fans saw even more potential yet, begging for this to be taken further. Being only a few sketches shy of the same amount of cards in a deck, the idea was born… Playing Cards for Tiny Hands: satirical playing cards commemorating the 2016 election and Trump Administration.

Spray ended up drawing 65 sketches from which he chose 54 to end up in the deck; jokers included, of course. Averaging about 2 hours per sketch, Spray estimates the time spent on the artwork alone was around 130 hours.

The cards have now launched as a Kickstarter project. The project goal is to bring in $9,410 worth of pledges in one month in order to make this product a reality. To help this artist reach his goal, make a pledge and reserve your decks now!

“Playing Cards for Tiny Hands is the culmination of some of my biggest interests: art, humor, and world affairs.” – Eric Spray, artist.

Playing Cards for Tiny Hands on Kickstarter


Playing Cards for Tiny Hands – YouTube Video – It’s bigly funny!!!

The artist behind the sketches…well, actually he’s in front of them here… but you get it.

Playing Cards for Tiny Hands: the product