I can’t write much, didn’t have a way with words so to put what I feel into paper, I draw. And at when I heard Carries fisher’s passing I was the kylo ren in this picture. I wasn’t born during the time star wars came out but that didn’t stop me from enjoying one of the greatest cinematic masterpiece that was given and the princess who Carrie played will go down as one of the most badass female characters of all time. May the force be with you, princess.

I can’t write much, didn’t have a way with words so to put what I feel into paper, I draw. And at when I heard Carries fisher’s passing I was the kylo ren in this picture. I wasn’t born during the time star wars came out but that didn’t stop me from enjoying one of the greatest cinematic masterpiece that was given and the princess who Carrie played will go down as one of the most badass female characters of all time. May the force be with you, princess.